聲援香港612抗爭兩週年車隊大遊行: 多倫多 與 卡加利


Two years ago, Hong Kongers rose up and fought for their deserved freedom and democracy against CCP fearlessly. Totalitarian CCP, of course, reacted by stripping off the Hong Kong’s last pieces of freedoms, suppressing the city with fear. As our compatriots could no longer speak up, we, luckily enough to live in freedom, should stand up for our homeland. On the upcoming June 12th, the second anniversary of the June 12th protest, the real start of Hong Kong’s “water revolution”, let us come together. Tell our brothers and sisters that we will never forget them, and tell the world that our fight is not over yet.

我們會在 多倫多 與 卡加利, 舉行車隊遊行暨集會. 詳情請到 FB 的活動專頁. 一齊參與吧!

We are hosting caravan match in Toronto and Calgary. Join us! See details on our FB page:

多倫多 Toronto

卡加利 Calgary

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"「新香港文化協會」發言人Jane Lee表示,這次並非悼念活動,612事件令《逃犯條例》二讀未能通過,是「抵抗極權的成功例子」。她寄語海外港人。。。" RFA媒體連結 The featured image is screen-capped from RFA website.

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