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多倫多: 不會放棄奪回我們的家!
2021年 6 月 12 日 光復香港,將會是全球熱愛香港的香港人信仰,不論我們在任何角落, 不論任何時候,我們絕不會放棄奪回我們的家!是次多倫多612兩周年香港民族聚義車隊遊行, 準備於短短幾星期,感激各位義工,香港台,TADC,安港學盟給我們投下相任的一票,也感激幕後爆肝,連夜失眠的手足趕起所有文宣,相應supply, 聯絡各路人馬, 但我相信我們再辛苦,相對在牆內或留守香港的手足,這些算不了什麼!也感激所有今日出席的所有抗共人士,當中更有西藏,新疆手足一早到場支持我們, 這次行動雖然辛苦了大家,更開心的是,我們能夠打破同溫層,將香港面對的種種帶給本地主流社會!另外,也希望大家給在Markham 舉行光時旗兵的車隊們掌聲,大家兵分兩路,令更多本地人關注香港,多謝所有同路人! 光復香港這宏願, 需要我們每一個,一個也不可缺少!#光復香港時代革命 HongKonger Station 香港台 Toronto Association for Democracy in China 多倫多支持中國民運會 Ontario Hong Kong Youth Action
"「新香港文化協會」發言人Jane Lee表示,這次並非悼念活動,612事件令《逃犯條例》二讀未能通過,是「抵抗極權的成功例子」。她寄語海外港人。。。" RFA媒體連結 The featured image is screen-capped from RFA website.
CTV: ‘We are still with them’…
Thank you CTV News for covering the anniversary event of the Water Revolution, started in Hong Kong 2019. Coverage from CTV The featured image is screen-captured from CTV website.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to deliver a speech on this memorial event. Before I start, I would like to Acknowledge the Land purpose of the indigenous people of Canada. We acknowledge the land we are meeting on is the traditional territory of many nations including the MississaugasRead More
聲援香港612抗爭兩週年車隊大遊行: 多倫多 與 卡加利
兩年前六月十二,香港人醒覺港共政府只聽命於中共,不會聆聽訴求,繼而無懼鎮壓,和勇合一,直接包圍立法會阻止送中惡法通過,為「時代革命」揭起序幕。2020年,經歷一年抗爭,香港人反抗暴政之心還未熄滅。盡失民心的中港共政府唯有立下國安法,剝奪香港人僅餘的集會和言論自由,以自欺欺人,粉飾太平。香港自始步入極權時代,所有反對中共者不分門派被清算滅聲。我等有幸身處自由土地,就該承擔起民族責任,接力為故土的同胞手足向世界發聲。六月十二抗爭兩週年,一起告訴手足、告訴世界,我們不會忘記、革命之火不會熄滅。 Two years ago, Hong Kongers rose up and fought for their deserved freedom and democracy against CCP fearlessly. Totalitarian CCP, of course, reacted by stripping off the Hong Kong’s last pieces of freedoms, suppressing the city with fear. As our compatriots could no longer speak up, we, luckily enoughRead More
香港維園六四燭光晚會,長燃30多年,照耀自由港,今天被中國共產黨出動6000警力撲滅了。 加拿大的香港同胞今天決定要延續這個傳統,在千里之外的卡加利中國領事館外,舉行六四燭光晚會﹕ 時間﹕2021年6月4日星期五晚上10時 地點﹕卡加利中國領事館門外 1011 6 Ave SW Calgary AB 主辦單位﹕卡加利中國民主促進會 ** 自備蠟燭 / 電筒
Hong Kong at a Critical Time” hosted by Garnett Genuis MP and Kenny Chiu MP
Hong Kong Watch On 27 of November 2019, over 60 Canadian Parliamentarians and staff attended a parliamentary event – “Hong Kong at a Critical Time”, which was hosted by Garnett Genuis MP and Kenny Chiu MP. Hong Kong Watch co-founder Aileen Calverley and Joey Siu of Students’ Union of City UniversityRead More
2020 Canada Day Rally Counter CCP bully the world [Calgary]
Hosted by New Hong Kong Cultural Club 新香港文化協會 and Friends of Hong Kong Calgary
Memorial Candlelight Vigil for Human Rights [Calgary & Toronto]
We are commemorating a gathering for the 78th Anniversary of the Battle of Hong Kong, as well as providing the updates to the on-going Hong Kong fight for democracy in Hong Kong, International and Canada respectively.Why we should be defending for Human Rights?What we can do to help as Canadians?
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