The Pulse:National security law discussion with Elsie Leung & June 4th candlelight vigil banned

In this week’s RTHK ‘The Pulse’, Steve Vines had the unenviable task to interview former HK Government Executive Council Member Elsie Leung Oi See. Also a Pro-CCP DAB turd and a member of the CCP. She was inhumane enough to manage to lie convincingly without blinking her eyes. A skill so difficult that only a seasoned brainwashed numb skull could perform effortlessly when she was talking about National Security Law. Plus educating us mere mortals that there are in fact 9 parties in the PRC.

On the good side, 6/4 Remembrance Vigil at Victoria Park didn’t have any incidents or arrests. Kenneth Lam, a barrister himself, was the main organizer and himself witnessed the horror of that fateful day supporting the students at Beijing as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Students back in 1989.

He said carrying on and telling the truth against this evil regime is his duty. In his actions as a Human Rights Lawyer to pass these accounts to the next generations to treasure this gift of freedom and preserving democracy.

Also I am encouraged by the Hong Kong Youngsters taking up the torch. Particularly at 19:30 of the video, a special recognition and sincere thank you to my Alma Mater at St. Louis School, Third Street, Western. These courageous young men joining in hands of solidarity fighting for truth and justice.

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全球集結 聲援十二港人

全球集結聲援十二港人抗議中共無理拘押十二位手足 今年8月23日,12名香港手足乘船出海前往台灣,途中被中共海警抓捕,之後扣押在深圳市鹽田看守所,至今已兩個月,音訊全無、生死未扑,如同人間蒸發,律師和家屬都無法與他們見面和接觸。中共行為猶如黑社會,對12手足必會酷刑逼供、無情虐待,讓他生不如死,令我們非常擔心﹗雖然我們遠在千里之外的加拿大,但仍心繋香港、關懷手足。我們決定響應「全球集結 聲援十二港人」行動,在星期日(10月25日)於卡加利中領館前集會,抗議中共暴政,並強烈要求中共立即釋放12名手足回港。


//是次捐口罩活動由流亡加拿大手足發起,「新香港文化協會」穿針引線下,香港組織「國難忠醫」幫忙搜羅口罩,加拿大台灣同鄉會(加台會)— 蒙特婁分會協助口罩運輸及存放。此前,加台會一直於全加拿大帶領台僑,為加拿大醫護張羅 合資格的醫療口罩,並親自縫製布口罩予社區人士。台加會在加拿大展現 #TaiwanCanHelp 不遺餘力。是次活動得到加拿大保守黨候選黨魁奧圖爾(Erin O’Toole)親身支持,並於現場拍攝簡短片多謝來自香港和台灣民眾的口罩,攜手抗疫,展現三地民眾互相支持,亦間接促成民間口罩外交!奧圖爾是加拿大抗共中堅,一直支持香港手足,六月時更曾在《全國郵報》撰文為流亡手足發聲。他有份聯名去信總理杜魯多要求制裁中港官員。// source:

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